Privacy Policy - Taymouth Castle Golf Club, Kenmore, Perthshire, Scotland

Taymouth Castle Golf Club - Club Policies

Privacy Notice

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Equality Policy


Statement of Intent


Taymouth Castle Golf Club recognises the importance of affording equality to all members, guests, visitors, volunteers and present and potential employees.  We are determined to ensure that every person regardless of disability, gender, sex, age, sexual orientation, martial status, civil partnership status, race, colour, religious convictions, nationality or ethnic origin has a genuine opportunity to participate to their full potential  at all levels and in all roles within the Club.


Legislative Framework


In implementing this policy, Taymouth Castle Golf Club will comply with its statutory obligations under the terms of all relevant Scottish, UK and European legislation (see Appendix 1).




Taymouth Castle Golf Club’s Equality Policy aims to ensure that:
• Everyone who participates at Taymouth Castle Golf Club, in whatever capacity, receives fair and equitable treatment.
• The format and content of all competitions, regulations and activities strives to provide equal opportunities for all, except where specific situations and conditions prevent this (See Exemptions).
• All material prepared, produced and distributed by, or on behalf of Taymouth Castle Golf Club promotes a clear image of diversity within the activities of the Club.
• Clear guidance and communication is given to all individuals either governing or working for Taymouth Castle Golf Club on its commitment to equality.


Responsibilities and Implementation


• The Taymouth Castle Golf Club Committee is responsible for ensuring the policy is followed, and for dealing with any allegations of breaches.
• The Taymouth Castle Golf Club Committee has responsibility for the implementation of the action plan.
• Day to day responsibility will rest with the Secretary of the Club.
• All paid staff and volunteers have responsibilities to respect, act in accordance with and thereby support and promote the spirit and intentions of the policy.
• A copy of this document is available to all paid staff and volunteers of Taymouth Castle Golf Club and it will be covered in staff and volunteer induction.
• No job application will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or conditions which are not necessary to the performance of the job or which constitute unfair discrimination.
• The policy will be available on the Taymouth Castle Golf Club website.
• All Staff will receive appropriate training.


Monitoring and Evaluation


• This policy will be implemented with immediate effect and will be the subject of annual review by the Taymouth Castle Golf Club Committee to which a written report will be submitted by the Secretary.
• The Committee will review the Equality Action Plan on an annual basis, to establish progress against aims and ensure the Plan remains appropriate and effective. 




In accordance with Taymouth Castle Golf Club’s Code of Conduct, Disciplinary and Grievance Policy and Procedures, we will investigate any reports of alleged breaches of our Equality Policy and take appropriate disciplinary action based on the outcome of the investigation.  Any complaint or grievance will be dealt with via the appropriate policy and procedures, e.g.  Disciplinary Procedure, Grievance Procedure.




Taymouth Castle Golf Club reserves the right to limit competition to specific age, gender or disability groups where this is necessary to ensure equitable, safe and equal competition. Taymouth Castle Golf Club will take positive action in providing opportunities to increase the inclusion of people from under-represented groups.


Appendix 1


The main legislation which underpins this policy is:
• The Equal Pay Act 1970
• The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
• The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended in 1986, 1999 and 2008)
• The Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended in 2000)
• The Disability Discrimination Act (as amended in 2005)
• The Human Rights Act 1998
• The Scotland Act 1998
• The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
• The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
• The Gender Recognition Act 2004
• The Civil Partnership Act 2004
• The Disability Discrimination Act 2005
• The Equality Act 2006
• The Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
• The Equality Act 2010 


Date 1 March 2012




Protection of Vulnerable Groups



Taymouth Castle Golf Club believes that everyone has a duty of care towards children and adults to help protect them from abuse, and strives to provide an environment where adults and children can be introduced to and participate in the game of golf in a safe and enjoyable manner. Scottish Golf requires all affiliated Clubs to have an up to date policies outlining how children and other vulnerable groups will be protected and cared for.

To read the Club's PVG Safeguarding Policy click here

To read the Club's PVG Safe Recruitment Policy click here

To read the Club's PVG Referral policy click here

To alert the Club of a concern relating to a member of a PVG click here

Data Protection Policy

To read the Club's Data Protection Policy click here


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